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Develop your
marketplace platform
with our
SaaS solution


A unique technology to serve marketplaces

Our platform enables you to operate your marketplace business while offering a complete range of services to your sellers, including full management of their logistics operations (fulfillment). Whether you’re looking to launch your marketplace business or develop it with new services, Weavenn’s SaaS platform will give you a wide range of functionalities to meet the needs of both your in-house operators and your sellers. This will enable you to accelerate your growth in your market by rapidly implementing value-added services, while keeping your costs under control.

A comprehensive ecosystem
to boost your marketplace

In detail

Back office Marketplace

Manage the relationship with your sellers and offer them an optimal user experience to facilitate their onboarding and the development of their business on your marketplace.

Marketplace catalog portal

Meet the challenges of product data quality to boost your site’s conversion rate and customer satisfaction.

“Sales-boosting” add-on

Benefit from tools that complement your back-office to provide more services to help your sellers run their business.

Logistics (fulfillment)

Take advantage of a fulfillment solution natively integrated into your marketplace back-office and offer your sellers a complete range of value-added services.

Why choose

A complete range of services

The Weavenn SaaS platform includes a wide range of functionalities to meet the needs of your in-house operators and vendors, and accelerate the growth of your marketplace.

A robust solution

By adopting our solution, you benefit from a reliable solution that can be easily adapted to the constraints of your business, and immediate international scalability.

Constant scalability

Thanks to its modular technology and SaaS model, the Weavenn SaaS platform enables you to regularly evolve the value proposition to your sellers and customers.

Frequently asked

What is the relationship between Fnac Darty, CEVA Logistics and Weavenn?

Weavenn was created in 2024, and is equally owned (50% each) by two major shareholders, Fnac Darty and CEVA. It benefits from the expertise and know-how of its two founding groups for its development and activities, while retaining its independence and its own strategy.

What is the marketplace back office?

The marketplace back office is a platform dedicated to marketplace sellers, enabling them to manage their business centrally and efficiently.

Marketplace back-office functionalities include: management of products, offers, orders, customer complaints and invoicing.

The Weavenn marketplace back office also includes other integrated services such as fulfillment.

Who is the SaaS marketplace service designed for?

Whether you’re looking to start up a marketplace business, already have a merchant site, or want to expand your existing marketplace by replacing your current system, Weavenn can support you with innovative, easy-to-integrate technology.

Learn more

Build your tomorrow’s
marketplace today